Salt therapy is a natural way to heal the body and has been practiced for many years. There are many different ways to practice. There are two main types that are used today, wet and dry.  Although both of these therapies can be beneficial to the human body, one is more beneficial than the other.

Wet Salt Therapy - Salt Scene

Wet Therapy

Wet salt therapy is the more common type of therapy. You may have participated in it and not even know it. Common types include saline solutions, neti-pots, gargling solutions, salt baths, and salt scrubs.


Just like dry salt therapy, wet salt therapy has many healing benefits for your body. This type of therapy is only best if used as nasal ingestion. Wet salt can only reach parts of the nose, mouth, and part of the throat but will never be able to reach the deepest parts of your lungs. Reaching the deepest parts of the lungs are when salt therapy becomes the most beneficial because it is able to clear out more of the toxins from your body. The best thing to compare this to is a couple of days after you leave the beach. The clarity that happened in your nose and chest starts to go away because the salt was not ingested properly.

Dry Salt Therapy - Salt Scene

Dry Therapy

Unlike its counterpart, dry salt therapy is void of any type of moisture. This type of therapy is easier to keep concentrated because it is traditionally done in a controlled environment.


Dry salt therapy is much more beneficial than its counterpart because it can reach more of your body due to being smaller particles in the air. This type of concentration makes it easier for those who choose to participate in it, to get the salt into the deepest parts of their lungs as well as their skin.


Dry salt therapy is broken up into two subcategories, speleotherapy and halotherapy. Speleotherapy is a specific type that is done in what is called a salt cave. This type of therapy is done underground the earth’s surface because the climate conditions and salt air are considered to be more natural than man-made therapy rooms. What makes speleotherapy unique is the air temperature, wind speed, air composition, atmospheric pressure and humidity that cannot be reproduced in a man-made environment. Halotherapy is a type of active salt rooms. It is called this because this type of dry salt room is man-made that uses specific types of equipment that is called a halogenerator. This equipment makes it possible to disperse a precise dry salt into a room or chamber.


No matter what type of therapy you prefer, it is best when done or used on a consistent basis. Make sure to visit your local salt rooms or salt caves. Receive all the healing benefits that can be offered to you through dry salt therapy.
