With new therapies being created every month it is hard to figure out what the differences are between them and how and if they actually benefit you. Just some examples of modern therapies are wet salt therapy, dry salt therapy, and even flotation salt therapy. But what are all these therapies and how are they beneficial for you? Easy, salt is the main component.


Salt-therapies-neti-pot-salt-sceneWhat is wet salt therapy?

Wet salt therapy is a salt therapy that is traditionally done at home and not done in a spa or salt therapy facility. Wet salt therapy involves using salt on your skin. This can be involved with salt scrubs, salt baths, saline solutions, neti pots and more. This style of salt therapy will most benefit those with skin irritations like hives, acne, eczema, rosacea and psoriasis.


Salt-therapies-scrub-salt-sceneWhat is dry salt therapy?

Dry salt therapy is quite different from wet salt therapy. With dry salt therapy it can be done at home but it is not common to be done there. To have the most effective salt therapy session you need to be in a salt room or natural salt cave. With this type of therapy salt is not only being rubbed onto the skin but is also ingested. With dry salt therapy, salt is ground up into breathable particles through a device called a halogenerator.  With the salt being so small ingesting them through the mouth and nasal cavity become easy. This is the most beneficial part of salt therapy, the salt being able to help your respiratory system.  This way the salt is able to reach the deepest parts of your lungs and help to deflame and move the mucus that may be stuck and causing irritation. Along with helping your respiratory system dry salt therapy, like wet salt therapy, can also help with skin irritations.


Salt-therapies-float-salt-sceneWhat is flotation therapy?

This is the newest type of salt therapy offered. During flotation therapy you are placed inside of an enclosed tub or pod of salt water. When you are closed in this tub it acts as a way of sensory deprivation, which can help many parts of your body.  This type of therapy allows for the most optimized version of relaxation. With this it promotes better moods, better mental health and reduces the amount of pain and insomnia one can have.


Most beneficial

Now that you know the difference between the three of these therapies how do you know which one is the most beneficial for you. The best answer is it depends on what you want and how long you are willing to do the therapy. The shortest and easiest therapy will be wet salt therapy, that can be done in the convenience of your own home. Although this therapy will not be as beneficial as the other two will be. With traditional dry salt therapy it will need to be done continuously to see the best results. This will be about three times a week and each session will last around  minutes. Although the sessions may be long or a lot, the benefits for your respiratory system and your skin will be great. Lastly there is the flotation therapy which will be once a week but will be an hour session. Out of the three types of salt therapy flotation is the most beneficial because of the mental benefits.  Starting the journey to healing your body always starts with the mind.
