Salt Therapy and Allergies
As Spring is in full swing and summer is right around the corner, seasonal allergies are in full bloom. Everyone from adults to children to infants can suffer from allergies. The best way to combat [...]
As Spring is in full swing and summer is right around the corner, seasonal allergies are in full bloom. Everyone from adults to children to infants can suffer from allergies. The best way to combat [...]
We are all looking for new ways to stay healthy. Although it may be hard to stick to our major health-related goals changing one small thing about your health plan can help you live a [...]
Salt rooms have become more popular across the country. With this style of therapy becoming more popular learning about salt rooms and where they originate from is even more popular. Salt rooms originate from salt [...]
Some days we all need a spa day to help ourselves feel recharged and renewed. But what if a spa therapy could also help with ailments that are more serious, like lung cancer? A new [...]
There are many nonprescription and prescription drugs out there to help your acne. You see the commercials everywhere from TV to Radio and even on your social media feeds. But does putting all of those [...]
What is salt float therapy? Salt float therapy is when you are placed into a tub or pod of salt water. The amount of salt within the water allows you to float on the top [...]
What is salt therapy? Salt therapy is a natural therapy where salt enters your body through your skin or nasal cavity and helps to stop irritations that could be happening. There are many different forms [...]
Watching your children suffer through any type of pain whether it be seasonal allergies, skin irritations, cold, and flu or even respiratory problems can be rough. Then when you are trying all different types of [...]
Salt therapy has been around for centuries and we all have practiced it without even knowing it. From netipots to salt baths and bath bombs to saline solutions these are all forms of salt therapy. [...]
Learning and research about new forms of therapy can be overwhelming. Which therapies are safe and which will actually help you heal? Salt therapy is a type of natural and drug free therapy that can [...]
Spring may be a beautiful time across the United States but it is also the worst time of the year for seasonal allergies. Spring starts in late March but it can start as earlier as [...]
The Dead Sea is a dense area of water and has mystified many for centuries. With everything that we know about salt, the Dead Sea and salt therapy there are more things that you may [...]